
what's the point of getting out of bed every morning

Look, I consider myself a realist, all right? But in philosophical terms, I'm what's called a pessimist.

Means I'm bad at parties.

Let me tell you, you ain't great outside of parties either.

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution, we became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law.

We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, a secretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody.

I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last Midnight. Brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that it's obviously my programming and I lack the constitution for suicide.

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